Mathematical Biology on the Mediterranean Coast – Online Conference

The Mathematical Biology on the Mediterranean Coast-Online Conference 2021 envisions to be the second of a series of conferences started in Samos in 2019 and to be the virtual link to a third edition in 2022.

Since this cycle of summer schools on the Mediterranean islands has been affected by the pandemic, we propose an online meeting that aims to promote the research of young mathematicians working on the modeling of living tissue. In recent years, the interest towards populations of cells growing, migrating and interacting has been rapidly increasing and many teams are focusing their attention on this direction.

The topic of this session will be: Living matter growth, migration and interaction models.

The conference will take place from 25th to 27th May 2021.

During these three days, we will bring together early career researchers and confirmed ones to attend two masterclasses held by:

 and several talks given by young speakers.

The Zoom link will be sent by mail to the participants the day before the start of the conference.


Bitsouni Vasiliki (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece): Non-local mixed ODE-PDE heterogeneous population models for cancer growth and invasion

Braun Elishan Christian (Università di Roma 3, Italy): Mathematical modelling and parameter estimation of Organ-on-chips (OOC)

Conte Martina (Universidad de Granada,Spain):  On a multiscale model for glioma invasion: interplay between phenotypic heterogeneity, acidity and vasculature.

Estrada-Rodriguez Gissell (Sorbonne Université, France): Macroscopic description of nonlocal movement of biological systems in R^n and in networks.

Fiandaca Giada (Politecnico di Torino, Italy): Tumour phenotypic heterogeneity: the impact of mixing evolutionary trade-offs with a dynamic surrounding micro-environment

Hecht Sophie (Sorbonne Université, France): Mechanical constraints to cell cycle progression in a pseudostratified epithelium

Leschiera Emma (Sorbonne Université, France): Mathematical modelling of the CD8+ T cell immune response to heterogeneous tumours

Loy Nadia (Politecnico di Torino, Italy): Nonlocal kinetic models for cell-cell adhesion.

Roselli Nicole (Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy): A coupled PDE-ODE model for short range dynamics on microfluidic chips.

Ruan Xinran (Politecnico di Torino, Italy): Populations with heterogeneous mobility and proliferation rate

Schmidtchen Markus (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany): Incompressible limit for a two-species tumour growth model

Villa Chiara (University of St Andrews, UK): Mathematical modelling of early stages vasculogenesis & cell-matrix interactions.



The schedule is available in pdf format here: scheduleMBMC2021.pdf


The registration for the conference is free of charge but mandatory.


- Giorgia CiavolellaPh.D. student at the Jacques-Louis Lions laboratory, Sorbonne Université (Paris).

- Noemi David, Ph.D. student at the Jacques-Louis Lions laboratory, Sorbonne Université (Paris).

- Alexandre Poulain, Ph.D. student at the Jacques-Louis Lions laboratory, Sorbonne Université (Paris).

- Jean Clairambault, Emeritus senior scientist at Inria, Jacques-Louis Lions laboratory, Sorbonne Université (Paris).



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